insert pointcloud into postgresql/ pdal pipline fail

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I have a pointcloud dataset what I would like to upload to my postgres/postgis database. I follow this tutorial: linkI could install everything witouth problem (on ubuntu 14.04. on ubuntu 12.04 it did not work link), but I have issues to upload the pointcloud into my database.

In the tutorial there are some commands to check the lidar metadata. this one is not working in my case: pdal info --input merged.laz --metadata --xml

it says:

Usage error: option '--xml' did not split correctly. Is it in the form --readers.las.option=foo?

pdal generate error when I try to upload the lidar data to the database: pdal pipeline --input laz2pg.xml

PDAL: Couldn't create reader stage of type 'drivers.las.reader'.

the content of my pipeline xml file is the following:

dbname='lidar' user='postgres' host='localhost' port='5432' password='Alibaba22' test 27000 400 merged.laz EPSG:27000 I went trough on this tutorial two times a couple of month ago and it worked, but I have no clue what is wrong now...
