I might have went about this the wrong way, though I thought it may be a good idea to ask before starting over again. I have a picture column in cartodb which has multiple picture ids separated by commas. So I created a script that would take those values and parse the ids out into an a href tag. My question: Is there a way to grab the json value inside infowindow template {{ photo_column}} and run the value to my script?
var str = '7BC414B0-B38E-4A70-9464-65CCAEC39C8E,327CF268-6742-4E20-9C92-41E9945FCCBD';var myarray = str.split(',');var url = "https://web.fulcrumapp.com/api/v2/photos/";var token = ".jpg?token=3231c4d7309903b454ac10da556778cdf775b72192a96b3"; for (var i = 0; i < myarray.length; i++) { document.write("<img src=\"" + url + "" + myarray + "\">
var str = '7BC414B0-B38E-4A70-9464-65CCAEC39C8E,327CF268-6742-4E20-9C92-41E9945FCCBD';var myarray = str.split(',');var url = "https://web.fulcrumapp.com/api/v2/photos/";var token = ".jpg?token=3231c4d7309903b454ac10da556778cdf775b72192a96b3"; for (var i = 0; i < myarray.length; i++) { document.write("<img src=\"" + url + "" + myarray + "\">