In QGIS what data file formats (etc) can be directly edited and which only viewed?

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QGIS allows for opening very many different file formats (SHP,TAB,CSV,Spatialite,...)

Some of these are directly editable (SHP, Spatialite, ??)

Some of these are only viewable (TAB, CSV, ??)

I'd love to see a list of which is which - what data formats are directly editable by QGIS?

I think that sometimes QGIS doesn't handle this whole issue terribly well - for example some Excel files look like they are editable but the process fails - which adds confusion.

(Clearly it's possible to save the 'viewable' data into an editable format - that's not my question.)

Presuming that this has changed/is changing as QGIS develops please add QGIS version details to your answer.

(NB: I'm asking about the ability to edit an existing file in one fixed format - which is a different issue from the ability to read from or write to that file format).
