I am using geoserver 2.3.3, PostGIS 2.1 and PostgreSQl 9.1.The Image Mosaic JDBC extension is also installed correctly.
I am trying to import raster data from PostGIS and publish in Geoserver but facing an error
I followed the following tutorial
I have imported the raster to postgis using raster2pgsql, the command i used is
raster2pgsql -M -I -C -e -Y -F -s 4326 -t 128x128 -l 2,4 geo_liss.tif public.raster_table | psql -U postgres -d postgis_test -h localhost -p 5433
I have even verified whether the image is imported into database correctly or not, by downloading it using gdal_translate.
These are my XML configuration files...
]> &mapping; &connect;connect.pgraster.xml.inc
I have stored these xml configuration files in geoserver data directory under coverages folder.
When I try to use the image mosaic jdbc plugin to import the raster data through jdbc database, it gives an error, i.e. "Could not list layers for this store, an error occurred retrieving them: Argument "value" should not be null."
I have imported the raster data by giving the path of oek.pgrasterlxml in the url required
As it doesn't work, i tried to import data in postgis database using import data in geoserver. I have provided the SRS also. The data is imported correctly.
But, when i view it using open layers, am unable to view. Instead the wms is downloading.
The WMS downloaded has the following content.
illegal bbox, minX: 0.0 is greater than maxX: -1.0Thanks
I am trying to import raster data from PostGIS and publish in Geoserver but facing an error
I followed the following tutorial
I have imported the raster to postgis using raster2pgsql, the command i used is
raster2pgsql -M -I -C -e -Y -F -s 4326 -t 128x128 -l 2,4 geo_liss.tif public.raster_table | psql -U postgres -d postgis_test -h localhost -p 5433
I have even verified whether the image is imported into database correctly or not, by downloading it using gdal_translate.
These are my XML configuration files...
]> &mapping; &connect;connect.pgraster.xml.inc
I have stored these xml configuration files in geoserver data directory under coverages folder.
When I try to use the image mosaic jdbc plugin to import the raster data through jdbc database, it gives an error, i.e. "Could not list layers for this store, an error occurred retrieving them: Argument "value" should not be null."
I have imported the raster data by giving the path of oek.pgrasterlxml in the url required
As it doesn't work, i tried to import data in postgis database using import data in geoserver. I have provided the SRS also. The data is imported correctly.
But, when i view it using open layers, am unable to view. Instead the wms is downloading.
The WMS downloaded has the following content.
illegal bbox, minX: 0.0 is greater than maxX: -1.0Thanks