I have an error when I execute a command in grass raplat

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I use grass 6 in ubundu. I have putted the date into the .csv file and the antennas in .msi format, but when I try to execute the command in terminal "r.radcov" the system show me an error as: Error in Antennas-Mapping Table header:['antennaType\tfrequency\tfrequencyLower\tfrequencyUpper\tEDT\tMSIfilename\ttechnology']should be:['antennaType\frequency\frequencyLower\frequencyUpper\EDT\MSIfilename\technology']

I have checked all the program if has remain any table with the header with 't' letter before but I don't find any.Can anybody help me where is the problem that I can fix it.Thnx
