I can't access any models inside my custom toolbox

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I'm new to this forum (and to GIS), so please excuse silly errors on my part.

I saved several models inside of a toolbox, which I saved inside of one of the folders I created for my project. In ArcCatalog or ArcMap, if I go to that folder, I can see the toolbox (which I just entitled Toolbox) with a plus next to it. When I click on the plus, however, the plus just disappears and the toolbox does not expand.

In my regular file system, the toolbox appears to be about 3,000KB in size, and I was accessing it just fine for months. I recently changed location, so I'm now accessing the computer with GIS remotely, so maybe something changed there. It's really important that I be able to access it because the models I created took months to build, so I'm concerned! From looking at other questions, it seems like I should have saved it in the default location, and I will change that as soon as I can access it. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
