How to use raster calculator in ModelBuilder to batch reclassify hundreds of rasters?

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I'm not sure what the problem is here. I'm attempting to use iterate by raster to feed all the files through a simple map algebra expression (I'm looking at data that indicates probability of salamander habitat) so I want to reclassify the raster data and get output that separates 0 probability of habitat vs. greater than 0 probability.

After many hours of geoprocessing, I just realized that all the habitat extents are identical.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# reclassifymodel.txt# Created on: 2013-12-02 05:29:53.00000# (generated by ArcGIS/ModelBuilder)# Usage: reclassifymodel # Description: # This model reclassifies all TIF rasters to binary probability# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Import arcpy moduleimport arcpy# Check out any necessary licensesarcpy.CheckOutExtension("spatial")# Load required toolboxesarcpy.ImportToolbox("Model Functions")# Script argumentsSalamanderData = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)if SalamanderData == '#' or not SalamanderData: SalamanderData = "C:\\Users\\mkcar_000\\Desktop\\SalamanderData" # provide a default value if unspecified# Local variables:Raster = SalamanderDatareclassified = Rasterpolygon = reclassifiedpolyselect = polygonextent__Name_feat_shp = polyselectpathname = RasterName = SalamanderData# Process: Iterate Rastersarcpy.IterateRasters_mb(SalamanderData, "", "TIF", "RECURSIVE")# Process: Parse Patharcpy.ParsePath_mb(Raster, "PATH")# Process: Raster"outraster = Con(\"%Raster%\" > 0, 1, 0)", reclassified)# Process: Raster to Polygonarcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(reclassified, polygon, "SIMPLIFY", "Value")# Process: Selectarcpy.Select_analysis(polygon, polyselect, "\"grid_code\" = 1")# Process: Copy Featuresarcpy.CopyFeatures_management(polyselect, extent__Name_feat_shp, "", "0", "0", "0")
