How to stack multiple graphics/marks/backgrounds on a single TextSymbolizer in Geoser

المشرف العام

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I tried simply adding two marks to a graphic, but only 1 got rendered. I tried adding two graphics to a TextSymbolizer, but only 1 got rendered.

I tried adding two TextSymbolizers to the same rule, and it partially worked; they both got rendered, but they got rendered in different positions or stacked in the wrong order.

To fix the wrong order, I tried changing their priority, but this caused them to never render on the same position. That's probably because of the space-around VendorOption, so I set that to -1000.

This made it work in about 75% of the cases. I got them both to render, and in the correct order, but sometimes, I get one of the layers rendering in a different spot, or two different TextSymbolizers will overlap because of the negative space-around. The Text has varying length, so I can't use fixed sizes etc.

My desired result can be seen in the image below; A mark (of type square) with a stroke stacked ontop of a bigger mark (also square). I tried creating a new mark (by implementing MarkFactory etc), but I only want the stroke on the inner mark, and I couldn't find any way to make an edge "unstrokeable".

Any way to accomplish this in an easier way? Perhaps a way to get multiple strokes on a mark?
