How to show on a a map of countries only the countries with names contained in a php

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طاقم الإدارة
I'm doing an important homework for university and I want to use cartoDB to do some parts of it. On my joomla website I have created a form with Chronoforms and in Chronoforms in a custom code box I have written a php code that took the user's data from the form and retrieve some informations from a database. Now the result is an array of names of countries ordered by some parameters the user gave to me. What I want to do now is to show on my map of countries and provinces only the countries in the array in different colours. the effect should be similar to what I can obtain opening the file html below on a browser web only there are more countries to show,with different colours and the name of the countries are taken from the array.

html, body {width:100%; height:100%; padding: 0; margin: 0;} #cartodb-map { width: 100%; height:100%; background: white;}
How can I do so?? Someone can help me??
