I'm trying to create a national.shp to cover the entire countries land. I made index called "province" to help me update the information in my attribute table from the national shapefile. The idea is to create each provincial polygon files first and then merge into the national file. The problem is that after the data merging, i found there is a overlap exists for my file. (same polygon, two values). Is there a way to get rid of one of the values?
I tried to use dissolve tool, but that way i will have to lose my "province" field, which will be needed if i want to update my national.shp.. I tried to trace the province value back, just cant seem to find a method.

I tried to use dissolve tool, but that way i will have to lose my "province" field, which will be needed if i want to update my national.shp.. I tried to trace the province value back, just cant seem to find a method.