How to process a big number of raster outputs?

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I am new to python and QGIS. I'm trying to take some simple operations (e.g. count, average) over a big number of raster maps from a python script. I'm using the "r.series" algorithm (from processing) and I load my maps from a list. An example is here:

list=['my_raster_maps']processing.runalg('grass7:r.series',list,False,1,'-10000000000,10000000000',extent,0,output)This works well when my raster maps are less than 400. I noticed that, when I load more than 400 files, the algorithm "dies". I also know that there are some limits on the number of raster maps could be processed (r.grass manual). I also read this thread:(r.series counting maps over certain threshold?)but it was not too much understandable for me.Anyone knows a way to work around this limit? I hope it could be possibile. It would be very appreciated!
