How to plot Storm Prediction Center (SPC) Shapefile using python

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I am trying to make a plot of the SPC's thunderstorm outlook using Python. I have downloaded the shapefile from this website Then I use this code to try to read the data.

from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap #draw basemap m=Basemap(projection='mill',llcrnrlat=20,urcrnrlat=50,llcrnrlon=-130,\ urcrnrlon=-60,resolution='c') m.drawcoastlines() m.drawcountries() m.drawstates() m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='#FFFFFF') shp_info = m.readshapefile('..\day1otlk_20140709_2000_cat','thunder')But then I get ValueError: Shapefile must have lat/lon vertices - it appears this one has vertices in map projection coordinates. Convert the shapefile to geographic coordinates using the shpproj utility from the shapelib tools.

I am pretty new to this but I understand I need to convert this shapefile to geographic coordinates but the error message is too vague and I have no idea how. Any help would be appreciated.

