How to overlay dem (100m) over MODIS (500m) in square grid ?

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I have SRTM Dem data and the resolution 90m approx at the equator and also the resolution varies as we move from equator to poles. For my case the study area is Himalayas. My plan is to get the square grid data (100m * 100m) uniform for all the study area.How do I do that. Which projection should I use which gives me exactly same grid dimension of 100m *100m on every grid ?

My second question is I am using MOD09A1 product modis reflectance data and it was in hdf-EOS format however after mosaicing and resampling I successfully transformed into sinusoidal projection? As the modis resolution is 500 meter so my plan is also to convert this into 500m by 500m grid which is same at every place of the study area so that in one pixel of modis Image (500m *500m) I can easily overlay 25 pixels of DEM (100m *100m)?

Is ther any solution how can I overlay etc and how to bring both SRTM and Modis data in uniform grid size showing same physical features with proper georeferenced??

Thanks a lot
