How to open a popup on Marker click when Markers are in array using leaflet maps

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Hey guys I have a set of Markers that are getting created dynamically on a .each loops like so.

$.each(data, function(index, element) { markerArr[] = L.marker(map.unproject([element.LocationX,element.LocationY],map.getMaxZoom()-4)).addTo(map);});My question is how to open the popup for each popup on click and show the unique ID inside the popup?

I am able to do this if I were to declare each Marker with a unique name like so.

var marker1 = L.marker([158,395]).addTo(mapl);var marker2 = L.marker([158,410]).addTo(mapl);marker1.bindPopup("Kanye West");marker1.on('click', function (e) { this.openPopup();});marker2.bindPopup("50 Cent");marker2.on('click', function (e) { this.openPopup();});But I need to be able to open all Markers that are in the array instead.

Tried something like this with no luck

markerArr[this].on('click', function (e) { this.openPopup();});Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
