We are writing a application in which a part of the job is to fetch a relatively large (>10000 features) and often updated dataset from a WFS server, store a local copy, and do geospatial analyses on it. We are stuck on the downloading part, as we hit the default 1000 features limit on the server side, which we do not control.
We see that QGIS for example can access this dataset completely, from which we can in principle manually save it in a suitable format for our application, but this is not the desirable way to go, as we want a completely automatic procedure.
We are using OGR (ogr2ogr) and can get local copies of up to 1000 features. We wonder if there is an easy way to get the entire dataset using this approach. Hints to other approaches are also welcome.
We see that QGIS for example can access this dataset completely, from which we can in principle manually save it in a suitable format for our application, but this is not the desirable way to go, as we want a completely automatic procedure.
We are using OGR (ogr2ogr) and can get local copies of up to 1000 features. We wonder if there is an easy way to get the entire dataset using this approach. Hints to other approaches are also welcome.