How to include streaming media into an OpenGeo system to monitor live-tracked animals

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I am wondering how to include streaming media (video), or camera feeds, into an OpenGeo system to monitor live-tracked animals.

I am currently doing so with different applications, but I want to do it in a whole system (open and free), preferably under OpenGeo suite and QGIS, or other open possibilities (may VLC be an solution?). For media and GPS tracking, we are currently using cheap Chinese "dashboard cams" and pet GPS collars, since we can catch these animals almost daily (that's ethology study about domesticated badgers), but we have to postprocess all the info and manually add data in the whole database, when it could be done automatically.

I think we have 2 possibilities, being the 2nd the preferred:

  1. Streaming and server-side recording, which is safer since data loss is minor;
  2. On-collar recording, with on-demand live camera feeds plus server-side recording (somehow as geotagged shots/stills, an option if we do m-jpeg feeds, but not the best, I think).
I have read some stuff, since I have very limited knowledge on these topics. Open streaming servers are a first step, but I am not just wondering if it is the best match, but if it is the right schema I am thinking about.

As example, one really nice, propietary option is Skyline that merges everything in a whole platform (but for UAV military purposes).

