Can anyone help with improving the quality of my pdf in flex? Image which is been added has very low resolution.
This is the code I've used till now:
myPDF = new PDF(Orientation.LANDSCAPE,Unit.MM, Size.LETTER); myPDF.setDisplayMode(Display.FULL_PAGE, Layout.SINGLE_PAGE); map.scaleBarVisible = true; map.zoomSliderVisible = false; map.panArrowsVisible = false; setPDFPageElements(myPDF, 220, 150, "Attribute Query Output " , "", "Copyright: State Planning Commision"); myPDF.addImage(map,null,20,20,220,150,0,1,false,ImageFormat.JPG,100,Blend.NORMAL,null); var; var dataArray:Array = ArrayCollection(dgAttribute1.dataProvider).toArray(); grid = new, 0, 0, new RGBColor(0x999999), new RGBColor(0xFFFFFF),false, new RGBColor(0x000000), 1,Joint.MITER, null); grid.columns = createGridColumns(); var newPageage = new Page ( Orientation.LANDSCAPE, Unit.MM, Size.LETTER ); myPDF.addPage(newPage); myPDF.getCurrentPage().setUnit(Unit.MM); myPDF.textStyle(new RGBColor(0x000000), 1); myPDF.addGrid(grid, 3.5, 3.5, true); var file : FileReference = new FileReference(),"exportresult.pdf");
This is the code I've used till now:
myPDF = new PDF(Orientation.LANDSCAPE,Unit.MM, Size.LETTER); myPDF.setDisplayMode(Display.FULL_PAGE, Layout.SINGLE_PAGE); map.scaleBarVisible = true; map.zoomSliderVisible = false; map.panArrowsVisible = false; setPDFPageElements(myPDF, 220, 150, "Attribute Query Output " , "", "Copyright: State Planning Commision"); myPDF.addImage(map,null,20,20,220,150,0,1,false,ImageFormat.JPG,100,Blend.NORMAL,null); var; var dataArray:Array = ArrayCollection(dgAttribute1.dataProvider).toArray(); grid = new, 0, 0, new RGBColor(0x999999), new RGBColor(0xFFFFFF),false, new RGBColor(0x000000), 1,Joint.MITER, null); grid.columns = createGridColumns(); var newPageage = new Page ( Orientation.LANDSCAPE, Unit.MM, Size.LETTER ); myPDF.addPage(newPage); myPDF.getCurrentPage().setUnit(Unit.MM); myPDF.textStyle(new RGBColor(0x000000), 1); myPDF.addGrid(grid, 3.5, 3.5, true); var file : FileReference = new FileReference(),"exportresult.pdf");