How to Import an SDE Layer into PostGIS

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة

In theory:

  1. Save it as a shapefile
  2. Import using the shapefile loader
In reality:

  1. Save it as a shapefile
  2. Import it using the shapefile loader
  3. Run your script and wonder why it ran so fast
  4. Realize the PostGIS table is missing 450,000 features
  5. Realize the shapefile is missing 450,000 features
  6. Start to question your career
  7. Have your boss tell you*“oh yeah, you just have to export it to a file geodatabase first and then export it to a shapefile and then load it”
  8. Start to question the Esri hegemony
  9. Cry
But it worked y’all!
