How to fix "Detected out of bounds geographic extent"

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
I hope someone can help me to solve this problem.
i want to make a map with TileMill v.01, when i try to add layer using shapefile (i use QGIS to edit *.shp file) or postGIS i always get error message :

Detected out of bounds geographic extent (289148.0964570158,9020963.6199987,180,85.051) for layer 'badung'. Please ensure that the SRS for this layer is correct. Its native extent is '289148.0964570158,9020963.6199987,307432.8551368474,9088475.5022231'

i think if i change the geom property in postGIS using this WGS84 (4326) will fix this problem, apparently not. could someone give me the way to fix this problem ?
