How to export Polygons to CSV with coordinates?

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I am very new to QGIS, so please bear with me.

I have a ".shp" file, which is contains a set of boundaries for suburbs of Australia. I opened it to QGIS and I would like to export it into a CSV file so that the final file would be like following.


When I select "Layer > Open attribute table" I can see the "postcode" column.

I had a look at a similar question here

Get list of coordinates for points in a layer?

Which told me to simply go to "Layer > Save as" and then type "GEOMETRY=AS_XY" or "GEOMETRY=AS_XYZ" in the "Layer" section of the "OGR creation options".

I followed exactly, but the latitude and longitude values are not being returned.

I feel like I'm quite close! Could someone please help me.

Thank you.
