How to create an SQL Persisted Computed Column which values are derived from spatial

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Our GDB is using the SQL native GEOMETRY data storage type (SQL 2012 Standard) and the spatial reference for this uses a unit of square feet. I want to create a (persisted) computed column which will populate another column as acres.

Using the following query I'm able to produce the results I want:

Select shape.STArea()/43560 as Area from DATAOWNER.CTF_STANDSIn setting up the computed column I used the following:

Editing on the front end GIS application (ArcGIS), the Shape.STArea() field updates during edits, but updates to my computed column fail to happen.

I think that Shape.STArea is actually a function and appears to be enforced/maintained by the SDE/GDB Schema itself, so working with spatial column appears to be the best way forward.

I don't want to convert the Geometry column itself to another unit, but rather use it to populate another column via a formula which converts square feet to acres.

How do I create a computed column which will derive acres from the geometry column who's current values are in square feet?

This other SE post's answer is very similar.
