I'm interested in creating a raster surface that depicts the average solar intensity per unit area for a small garden plot. I imagine the inputs into the model would be the following:
For example purposes, the attached image shows a 1 acre garden plot surrounded by an even-aged stand of conifers. To further simplify this analysis, let's assume we're interested in only the solar zenith and intensity during the gardening season from June to October. Felling trees is not an option!
- Plot area--for simplicity sake, let's assume the garden plot iscircular.
- Average tree height of surrounding forest edge
- Solar intensity at various sun angles
- The average sun angle in relation to the garden plot over time.
For example purposes, the attached image shows a 1 acre garden plot surrounded by an even-aged stand of conifers. To further simplify this analysis, let's assume we're interested in only the solar zenith and intensity during the gardening season from June to October. Felling trees is not an option!