I'll ask the question first and follow up with the background for the why and what I've done allready.
Question: is there a way to generate a new mosaic dataset for each new raster that gets created through IDW raster interpolation in modelbuilder?
Background: for my masterthesis is working with Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), which I processed in matGPR 3. From matGPR I exported a generated 3D volume (from the seperate GPR lines) in ascii format (.txt). That complete volume (which resembles a point cloud) gets sliced in to horizontal fragments in CloudCompare, and every slice gets saved to a txt file. These we proces in ArcGis 10.1 to rasters (single band, floating point) The linked picture shows the used modelbuilder proces to make the rasters from all the slices.
We want to be able to sort of scroll through the rasters of the different depths. So we figured the mosaic time series might do the trick, with instead of a real year, the depth (so the surface is 0, 1cm is 1, etc). The thing is, we would need a new mosaic is for every depth, which can vary from 20ish to +100 depending on the recorded data.
So back to the question, is there a way to generate a new mosaic dataset for every new raster (and add the raster)? Can I do this in the same iterate tables loop, or do I have to submodel etc? If someone has a better idea of how to do what we want to achieve without the time series etc, suggestions are allways welcome!
If the question isn't completely clear, I'll try to elaborate some more!
Many thanks,
Question: is there a way to generate a new mosaic dataset for each new raster that gets created through IDW raster interpolation in modelbuilder?
Background: for my masterthesis is working with Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), which I processed in matGPR 3. From matGPR I exported a generated 3D volume (from the seperate GPR lines) in ascii format (.txt). That complete volume (which resembles a point cloud) gets sliced in to horizontal fragments in CloudCompare, and every slice gets saved to a txt file. These we proces in ArcGis 10.1 to rasters (single band, floating point) The linked picture shows the used modelbuilder proces to make the rasters from all the slices.
So back to the question, is there a way to generate a new mosaic dataset for every new raster (and add the raster)? Can I do this in the same iterate tables loop, or do I have to submodel etc? If someone has a better idea of how to do what we want to achieve without the time series etc, suggestions are allways welcome!
If the question isn't completely clear, I'll try to elaborate some more!
Many thanks,