How to convert the geographical projection of an extremely large file (GDAL)

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
My Task
I need to convert 9 x 14Gb GeoTiff files to WGS84 geo projection. The rough size in pixels is about 200k x 100k.

The data-type is byte and it is not a subject to interpolation, it is some logical attribute. For example, if A = 20 and B = 30 does not mean that overall region is 25 - it has completely different meaning.

What I did

  • Started gdalwarp on Windows (takes lots of time, fails on some machines, never finishes on other)
  • Started gdalwarp on Ubuntu (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2660 0 @ 2.20GHz, 56Gb RAM, takes ~3 days for 50% and stops). Takes 100% core, low RAM and low HDD io, and also puts Potential thrashing on Band1 message in debug-log.
  • Modified arguments, w.g. CACHE_MAX, wa.
What are my other options?

