How to calculate distance between point feature to multiple polyline features in ArcG

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I have a GPS track which is basically a point layer. I have different route networks such as - train, tram and bus routes. I want to calculate the distance between each point to nearest features within a search radius. I used Generate Near table to calculate distance. This works fine. However after getting the table I have to sort the distance for each and every point. I am looking for a method which will directly generate the distance result as follows-

pointID | near_feature_1_distance | near_feature_1_distance | near_feature_1_distance

where pointID is the GPS points, near_feature_1_distance is the distance from that GPS point to a given near_feature_1 (say tram line) and so on.

I did this in ArcGIS 9.3 long back. But now I am using ArcGIS 10.1 (however I have 9.3 as well) but I cannot remember how I did it. Any help will be highly appreciated.
