How to best import a US Map Schematic?

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I would like to use the following wiki US Map schematic as a background to my map work. ( is a .svg file, and GeoReferencer is unable to import it.

  1. I convert it to it to a .tiff through
  2. I successfully import to GeoReferencer
  3. I pick corresponding coordinates to situate my map, and use NAD83 as reference
  4. Import in QGIS
=> PROBLEM: The map I have is distorted on QGIS (flattened)

What am I doing wrong?Should import in georeference in .svg ? (IF so what plugin to install since it is unable to import). Should I reference more coordinates ? (>10)Is there a setting I am missing? Am I using the wrong map?

I imagine many have had to import US map schematics in their QGIS, and face the similar challenge.

Thank you for your help
