Working in 10.2.
I want to show two different line feature classes, one with just plain lines and the other with arrow-headed lines. The feature classes have the same categorical field I use to symbolize. I want to maintain the different line symbols, but use the same color assignments.
If I save one FC's symbology out as a layer, this (obviously) resets the actual line symbol. I've then messed w/changing Properties for All Symbols for back to the arrow at end line but can't seem to propagate that back to all symbols in the FeatureLayer.
Been reading up on layers, but don't see a clear path. Any thoughts appreciated!
I want to show two different line feature classes, one with just plain lines and the other with arrow-headed lines. The feature classes have the same categorical field I use to symbolize. I want to maintain the different line symbols, but use the same color assignments.
If I save one FC's symbology out as a layer, this (obviously) resets the actual line symbol. I've then messed w/changing Properties for All Symbols for back to the arrow at end line but can't seem to propagate that back to all symbols in the FeatureLayer.

Been reading up on layers, but don't see a clear path. Any thoughts appreciated!