How I can call this method? Combination of GIS and Remote sensing >> for Statistical

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How I can call this method? Combination of GIS and Remote sensing >> for Statistical

In my scientific project I used a method, which I elaborated by myself exactly for the aims of my project, and now need to understand, how I can name it and describe in the thesis and paper. Could you please - read a short description of the method and advice me – where I can find the same or the close methodology? (for describe and name my method in the terms that already exist).

Here the short description: The method based on the combination of GIS and Remote sensing technologies for prepare the different data of environment (in my case – parameters meteorological and superficial) and observation data of an object (soaring birds in my case) for the statistical analyses and mapping.

My object – soaring birds. During the field observation were registered the parameters of each bird (distance to it, vertical angle and direction of a compass), by these parameters were calculated coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) for each bird. For the reason, that these data had interval character, each bird was georeferenced to a polygon (shape polygonal theme).

II. At the second stage – in GIS software I put these shape polygonal themes of birds registered on several raster maps, that were created by the Remote sensing products. It were: raster of temperature superficial and gradient of temperature superficial (obtained from ASTER image), the relief parameters : altitude, exposure, inclination (obtained from ASTER GDEMv2) and parameters of landscape types and its level of the load anthropogenic (by dint of manual digitizing the satellite image of high resolution in ArcGIS).

At the third stage – I created a summary table (that was the attribute table of the final shape theme), where I joined for each spatial unit of a grid (cell of 30x30m) – sum of birds registered above this cell and all values of parameters superficial. So, the main principle of preparing this summary table – all parameter were joined by the identical geographical position.

II. Also I prepared by the close logic data of birds and parameters meteorological (air temperature, wind speed, humidity, atmospheric pressure, radiation solar) that were registered by dint of portable meteorological station at the same time that were done the birds observation. They were joined to each other in ArcGIS by the identical time of observation.

The both summary tables – were the basis of statistical analyses (in these tables for the numerical parameter represented the birds activity above the point – were set the values of the parameters superficial and meteorological) All these technique I realized in ArcGIS, it had many steps and I described it very shortly.

My question is – how I can name this method in scientific article and thesis? I'd like to find "something like this".

I think that the "key points"of my method are the following:

Combination of GIS and Remote sensing technics >> for prepare data of observation (of animal, plant or other) and different parameters of the environment and surface for the Statistical analyses and mapping. By dint of creating a summary table where these parameters are linked to each other by the identical geographical position OR the identical time of observation.
