How do I reproject one raster to match another's in GRASS

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
I have two raster layers, A and B, which have information about the same location but have different projections and datums.

How can I reproject layer A to match the projection and datum of layer B?

Trying to use r.proj yields:

ERROR: Input raster map is outside current region When I use g.region to set the region to layer B, I get the same error.

When I use g.region to set the region to layer A, then the input and output projections are the same.

Layer A has a projection of:

Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic N: 5786515.18365295 S: 5349685.18365295 Res: 30 E: -13519426.48582491 W: -13806586.48582491 Res: 30 Layer B has a projection of

Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic N: 5087310 S: 4800360 Res: 30 E: 606210 W: 440460 Res: 30 The Lambert Conformal Conic is because this is the projection I selected for the Location. Presumably the specific values of the LCC occurred when the raster layers were imported.
