How do I get the lat-long coordinate of point 1 from a survey plan

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
Here are the data from the survey plan:

TIE LINES from BLLM No. 3, PLS 561, to corner "1" of:

LOT BEARING DISTANCEBoundary S 36deg 41min W 11,641.21 meters

BOUNDARYLINE BEARING DISTANCE1-2 N 37deg 58min E 251.18 meters2-3 S 50deg 42min E 199.73 meters3-4 S 38deg 28min W 248.00 meters4-1 N 51deg 37min W 197.58 meters

Obviously the map has 4 points. If only I can get the lat-long reading of point 1 so that I can readily verify "on field" if it did not overlap to adjacent lots.Additionally, if lat-long coordinates of point 1 is known, I can easily check on the other three points and determine its position thru Bearings describe in the title/map.

I only need the process on how to do this, but it there is an application or software to do this, much better. Thank you.
