How do I download a file geodatabase from our ArcGIS Server using ArcObjects.NET or P

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Why is this simple task proving so difficult? Please help me achieve the following:

  • Download a FGDB to my local disk from our ArcGIS server, using ArcObjects.NET or Python
Sounds simple right? Hell no.I've tried WFS quick export (can't be done without data interop extension), Geodata server data extraction (unbelieveably overcomplicated and entirely ridiculous, I don't want to use SDE or replicas), KML export to featureclass (doesn't seem to work with attribute data), and a load more other ridiculously complicated nonsense just to try and download a god damn geodatabase programatically. Nothing works, how the hell do I achieve this ridiculously simple task?

I have all the various services enabled on the server (WFS, WMS, KML, GeoData, etc...), you name it. How do I do this?!

Help me, before I give up on GIS forever.
