How can I dissolve adjacent polygons based on minimum attribute value?

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
I'm trying to merge the polygons (administrative boundaries) in a dataset untill they reach a minimum value. Lets say that the polygon dataset consists of the number of people per polygon and I need each polygon to contain at least 100 people. In that case I want the polygons with a value less than 100 to merge with an adjecent polygon, preferably in this order:

  1. merge polygon with one adjecent polygon that contains less than 100 people
  2. if adjecent polygons of less than 100 people are not available, merge with a polygon that contains 100 or more people.
  3. if after the merge the minimum number is not reached yet, repeat the process untill no more adjecent polygons are available.
  4. The end result should be a polygon dataset in which as many polygons as possible have at least 100 people per polygon.
I hope this discription is clear enough. Let me know if you need more info.

I'm using ArcMap 10.2.1. I already tried the dissolve tool, but this doesn't have the option to dissolve based on a minimum value. I saw that during an edit session in ArcMap you can merge polygons manually, but I found no way to do this in a model or a python script. If necessary I'm open to use other tools such as QGIS or spatialite.

Any thoughts or other approaches are more than welcome!


