How are you, as GIS professionals, spending most of your day at work?

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
I've pondered for a while whether I should ask this question. I even asked whether I should ask a question that should probably be a community wiki on the meta site.

Since I didn't get many responses, and the one I did get didn't really explicitly say I shouldn't ask it, I’m going to go ahead and ask it anyway:

How are you, as GIS professionals, spending most of your day at work?

That is, what GIS tasks do you perform to get your job done? I’m curious how my day-to-day activities compare to others in the field.

These are some examples of how I spend my GIS work (feel free to add others):

  • Cartography – creating new maps, or modifying others
  • Scripting/Tool Building
  • Research
  • Data Edits/Cleansing
  • Analysis (vector)
  • Analysis (raster)
  • Meetings
  • Visiting
Also feel free to add a percentage of your time on different tasks, if you're so inclined.
