Hex grid from layer bounds issue

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I'm trying to use the 'Hex grid from layer bounds" script to reproduce the simple "Mapping density with hexagonal grids" from the Learning GIS book. When I run the script "as is" I get the error: Data Source() invalid.

I did stumble upon a pretty good thread where there were multiple examples of how to rewrite the script but all of them gave different types of errors:For example this script:

import processinglayer = canvas.layer(0)cellsize = 1000input = processing.getobject(layer.name())centerx = (input.extent().xMinimum() + input.extent().xMaximum()) / 2centery = (input.extent().yMinimum() + input.extent().yMaximum()) / 2width = (input.extent().xMaximum() - input.extent().xMinimum())height = (input.extent().yMaximum() - input.extent().yMinimum())grid="grid.shp"processing.runandload("qgis:creategrid", cellsize, cellsize, width, height, centerx, centery, 1, input.crs().authid(), grid)*generates an error:

name 'canvas' is not defined See log for more details

I'm pretty much a newbie with QGIS and I'm going through the Learning GIS book word for word...so this one has me really stuck.

I'm using QGIS version 2.8 on a Macbook Pro.

Any help would be appreciated.
