Grass r.out.gdal, wrong values when importing to QGis

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I have a problem with export/import functionalities between Grass and QGis.

  1. I create a raster file in Grass (with r.wind.sun, but that most likely does not matter)
  2. It has the following properties:


Important: Range of data min = 0.0[...] max= 100

  1. I export that raster with:

    r.out.gdal input=sample_input output=sample_output
The process decides to take float64 as datatype.And exits without an error.Beside the fact, that the color table cannot be written as described here.

  1. When I import that file to QGIS, the absolute values have changed:

So the value range changed from approx. 0-100 to 0.00-2.9.

As the mean and stdev state already: It is not an option to use integers only.

I tried to multiply the data with 10,000 in Grass, but after exporting I also get a value range between 0-3 in QGis.

What can I change in the process to keep the original value range?
