GetFeatureInfo for gxp_olsource in OGS GeoExplorer

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We have an OpenGeo Suite GeoExplorer 3.0.1 and want to make GetFeatureInfo-requests, via the identify button, for WMS-layers of type gxp_olsource but it doesn't work, I get no response at all and I don't get any errors in the browser debug console. It works great to make a GetFeatureInfo-request for WMS-layers with sources of type gxp_wmscsourceor gxp_wmssource.

Is it supposed to be working in the original version of GeoExplorer or do I have to make adjustments to the code?

Layer configuration:

...sources: {... ol: { ptype: "gx_olsource" }},map: {... { group: "groupfisketsgeografier", visibility: false, queryable: true, source: "ol", type: "OpenLayers.Layer.WMS", args: ["Fredningsomraden", "", {layers: "hav-fisketsgeografier:havet-fredningsomraden", transparent: true, isBaseLayer: false, tiled: true} ] },

