I am getting warm with post PostGIS. I am working in the Command Line. What I am wondering is how do I "get" the results of PostGIS.
So imagine I have this
select name, neighname from neighborhoods where ST_Intersects(geom, ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(586781.701577724 4504202.15314339,586863.51964484 4504215.9881701)', 26918));That will prompt me something like this in the command line
name | neighname------------+---------- Mainst | West Vill (1 row)So far, so good. But how would I proceed working with this selection?
Can I somehow save that as a new shape?
Can I get the results into QGIS without the step of saving it as a shape (if that is possible)?
How can I proceed working with that selection in PostGIS?
So imagine I have this
select name, neighname from neighborhoods where ST_Intersects(geom, ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(586781.701577724 4504202.15314339,586863.51964484 4504215.9881701)', 26918));That will prompt me something like this in the command line
name | neighname------------+---------- Mainst | West Vill (1 row)So far, so good. But how would I proceed working with this selection?
Can I somehow save that as a new shape?
Can I get the results into QGIS without the step of saving it as a shape (if that is possible)?
How can I proceed working with that selection in PostGIS?