Using overpass-turbo I got data like this:
{ "type": "way", "id": 292833530, "nodes": [ 2963934681, 924717449, 2963934682, 2963934683, 2963934684, 2963934685, 2963934686, 2963934681 ], "tags": { "addr:city": "Ivry-sur-Seine", "addr:housenumber": "134", "addr
ostcode": "94200", "addr:street": "Avenue Danielle Casanova", "amenity": "post_office", "atm": "yes", "building": "yes", "change_machine": "yes", "moneo:loading": "yes", "name": "Ivry principal", "operator": "La Poste", "phone": "3631", "ref:FR:LaPoste": "17313A", "source": " - 01/2013", "stamping_machine": "yes", "wheelchair": "yes" }}Is there a way to get approxmatly the center of this building?I use
to get coordinate for un point but I would like something more in the center of the building.
{ "type": "way", "id": 292833530, "nodes": [ 2963934681, 924717449, 2963934682, 2963934683, 2963934684, 2963934685, 2963934686, 2963934681 ], "tags": { "addr:city": "Ivry-sur-Seine", "addr:housenumber": "134", "addr
to get coordinate for un point but I would like something more in the center of the building.