Geocoding adresses under privacy concerns

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
I have a database of home addresses and service locations. People drive to the service locations. I'd like to create a map with transparent colored circles indicating the average drive times people face getting to our service locations.

I know I can easily get the drive times using Google's Developer API, but I have a slight privacy concern: I'm not sure we're allowed to use the addresses in a way that would necessarily share them with google.

So, the question is really this: is there a way I can geocode these locations and then calculate drive times between them, without having to use a service that will store the data?

EDIT: Sorry for the lack of clarity. This is in the US and I have two basic tasks: (1) geocode addresses, and (2) get driving times between two addresses. In each case, I am looking for a software/tool that does not require disclosing the addresses to an outside source. My understanding is that we can use the datasciencetoolkit to geocode the addresses locally. But, I don't know what I can use to get directions.
