When i try to compose a workflow im confused to the funcionality of that.
I want to create a workflow to execute commands gdal. what syntax I can use if I wanted to create a .bat file?
For example when i try to use this :
FOR /F %%i IN ('DIR "C:\FOLDER\*shp."') DO ( SET infile =%%i SET outfile=!infile:.shp=.tif! gdal_rasterize -a x4031 -ts 1024 1024 -l %FOLDER%!infile! %FOLDER%!outfile! ) I get some errors. Whats the correct syntax?
I want to create a workflow to execute commands gdal. what syntax I can use if I wanted to create a .bat file?
For example when i try to use this :
FOR /F %%i IN ('DIR "C:\FOLDER\*shp."') DO ( SET infile =%%i SET outfile=!infile:.shp=.tif! gdal_rasterize -a x4031 -ts 1024 1024 -l %FOLDER%!infile! %FOLDER%!outfile! ) I get some errors. Whats the correct syntax?