Free Online Mapping Classes From PSU and Coursera

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طاقم الإدارة
Course dates: Last updated on 12/16/2014

Penn State has an online Open Web Mapping Class for free using open source software. The course materials are available at: through a creative commons license. You can also take the paid version of the online course for credit. Coursework includes QGIS, GDAL, OGR, GeoServer, TileMill, Openlayers, and OpenStreetMap. Penn State also has several map-related classes on Coursera.

Coursera has at least six relevant classes to GIS, GPS, and more during this upcoming fall 2014 and winter 2015 sessions. Please note some of the courses do offer different tracts that range from basic to technical in difficulty. This fall and winter there are exciting course offerings!

One course is on Geodesign
Another is on GPS, mapping, and spatial computing
Also don't forget, ESRI does have some free and low cost tutorials for ArcGIS on their training page as well: Be sure to checkout Directions Magazine's articles and webinars for other opportunities.

If anyone else has any that they would like to share, feel free to write them in the comments section below!
Update #1: Noteworthy addition: ESRI is offering a free MOOC or massive open online course entitled "Going Places with Spatial Analysis". Head over to the link below to signup for notification when registration begins, which is shortly: Going Places Signup / Start Page
