Finding tight corners on roads using ArcGIS Desktop?

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة

How can I pinpoint tight corners on a road dataset that might cause longer/larger vehicles difficulty in driving around.


  • Ignore turns into junctions. Just interested in corners along a single road.
  • Road network is a polyline layer. No arcs involved.
  • Road width is an attribute.
  • A large vehicle can be defined as a semi-truck.
Ideal Solution:

The end goal would be for a map showing potential areas on a road network that would be best avoided by larger vehicles. Ideally this would have a score value as opposed to a yes/no value, to signify how tricky the particular corner is, depending on the size of vehicle.

I have likely not provided enough information, so feel free to ask more Qs via comments and ill supplement my Q with more info. For info, this was a question I was posed, and I had some ideas, but would love to hear what your thoughts are on a potential workflow to solve this question using ArcGIS Desktop.
