I have created a postGis store in Geoserver. I have created layers with points and lines and I display them on an OpenLayers based application. I also use an FME workflow to insert new data to my postGis table. I expected that my geoserver layers would be updated automatically but it didn't happen.
The problem was that I had to set new boundaries in the layers properties. After this I could see some (not all) of my newly inserted data on the map. In different zoom levels I had different information displayed. For example in the upper zoom lever I could see the whole information but zooming in I was seeing less (see figures).
I thought it might be related with caching. I have used the geoserver interface to seed-generate missing tiles and according to geoserver the process was successful.
Lastly I have restarted geoserver and tomcat7 service without any success either.
Any help or advice would be mostly appreciated. Thanks
p.s. When I select layer preview in
The problem was that I had to set new boundaries in the layers properties. After this I could see some (not all) of my newly inserted data on the map. In different zoom levels I had different information displayed. For example in the upper zoom lever I could see the whole information but zooming in I was seeing less (see figures).
I thought it might be related with caching. I have used the geoserver interface to seed-generate missing tiles and according to geoserver the process was successful.
Lastly I have restarted geoserver and tomcat7 service without any success either.
Any help or advice would be mostly appreciated. Thanks
p.s. When I select layer preview in
