Extract pixel value for corresponding gps location in R

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
I have animal gps data with several locations for each day and regular gaps of several days when no location of the animal was recorded. Additionally, I have satellite data in intervals of 16 days. I would now like to extract the pixel value that corresponds to the specific point and to the specific time.

This means if the location of the animals was recorded e.g. 2 days before a satellite image was taken, I want to extract the pixel value of this image (that comes after) rather than from the images that was taken 14 days before the animal location was recorded. I always want to extract from the image that lies closer according to the time.

I created some test data that hopefully illustrates the problem:

library(sp) library(raster) ### Create test data # create first raster edc2012001_m