Export of group = multiband raster to another format not works in GRASS

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
I am really new in GRASS and my question is really basic but I dont realize where I am wrong.

I have a set of single layers in my PERMANENT from some Landsat images (1 landsat = 7 one layer rasters). I would like to export group (named "stack" in R) of these layers = forming 1 landsat image to .img. I suppose the following steps to do it in GRASS:

  1. Import single layer to GRASS (there is no way to import multiple layer in one time?): r.in.gdal
  2. Create "group" = multiband raster from singleband rasters: i.group.
  3. Export multiband raster as new format: r.out.gdal
My problem is why when I use i.group I see that actually I have a group of my bands:

but if I want to export group of my layers a see only single bands, not the group!!

Please, any idea how to create and export multiband raster to .img in GRASS? (and try to avoid python?). As my bands are in GRASS format, I can´t easily do the job in software more convenient for me. Thanks.
