Exception handling in ArcGIS .NET custom geoprocessing tools?

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I'm working on a set of C# GP tools for use both in Desktop and Server 10.1.

The only soup-to-nuts treatment of writing geoprocessing tools in .NET appears to be Building a custom geoprocessing function tool. It does not cover what to do to handle exceptions.

I see a few possibilities and want feedback.

  1. In my tool's Execute() method, I can put my code in a try block, and in the catch I can augment the Messages by IGPMessages message.AddError(errorcode, errormessage).
  2. I can include among my tool's output parameters an error code parameter and an error message parameter. In the Execute() method's catch block, I populate these parameters if an exception occurs. Then they are available to the client in its Result object.
  3. do both.
(1) While this seems sensible for Desktop use, it seems to suffer a problem if in Server the GP service is configured not to return messages to the client.

(2) seems to suffer a problem in that I don't know of other tools that use this approach.

I want to make sure that the tool works correctly with the ArcGIS Silverlight API Geoprocessor task, which raises a Failed event if a task fails. What do I implement in .NET to make the task 'fail' correctly and gracefully?
