Esri Updates World Topographic Map

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We are pleased to announce that the World Topographic Map has been updated with new content! As part of ArcGIS Online, Esri’s Basemaps support a vast GIS community, with the Topographic Map alone averaging over one Million daily viewers. We couldn’t have done it without you; Thank You to our Contributors and Partners who help support the*Living Atlas of the World*by providing data and enriching these amazing resources.

Contributor Spotlights

This update incorporates contributions from select locations in the United States.*View this tour of the new and updated content in the World Topographic Map.

Let’s welcome our newest contributors:

State of Massachusetts*(Topo 1:9k to 1:1k)

The State of*Massachusetts*Office of Geographic Information*maintains a robust ArcGIS Online landing page; a collection of interactive maps, apps, and feature services. Updated building footprints from the state could also be applied to 3D Web Scenes like this one for Boston. This content can also improve urban planning, architecture, and design through embedded web apps and other useful community information tools.

Hinesville, GA*(Topo 1:9k to1:1k)

Hinesville has already begun creating interactive downtown walking tour apps and have leveraged our World Imagery Basemap in a couple of them. This latest contribution will allow them to also incorporate a topographic basemap to this app and others they build.

Washington County, WI*(Topo 1:9k to 1:1k)

Wood County, OH*(Topo 1:9k to 1:1k)

Wood County has already begun to use the topographic basemap by creating a simple web map*showing the extent and location of the county’s schools and districts.

Yountville, CA*(Topo 1:9k to 1:1k)

Contributors in this Release

Here’s a list of all the Contributors for this release – thank you all!

World Topographic Map


Community Newsletter: Stay updated on program news, tips and tricks, user success stories, training events, and participant contributions by subscribing to the*Community Maps Newsletter. You can have the newsletter sent right to your inbox by subscribing*here.

Training:*More Preparing Data Workshops Added to the Calendar

Please join us for another*free workshop*on**Thursday, June 11, 2015 at*11:00 am, Pacific Daylight Time.*

Additional offerings of the well-received*Preparing Data for Community Maps Workshop*have been added to the schedule!*The workshops are scheduled on different days and times in an effort to accommodate multiple users. This allows you to register for the workshop that best fits your schedule. You must*register if you plan on attending one of these workshops, click below for details.

Webinar:*Let’s Talk Basemaps at the upcoming Community Maps Webinar

Please join us for another*free webinar*on*Thursday, June 18, 2015 at*11:00 am, Pacific Daylight Time*filled with exciting news about the Community Maps Program including:

  • Seth Sarakaitis, Project Manager for the Community Maps Program, will describe the key layers that make basemaps most useful, and the required attribution to contribute these layers to the program.
  • Deane Kensok, Program Manager for ArcGIS Online, will introduce Esri’s upcoming new vector basemaps offering, a summary of the benefits they will provide to you as users and potential contributors, and a road map for their release this year.
To view past Community Maps webinars and to discover other interesting videos, just click*here.

Share your data: Do you want to join the growing community of Community Maps contributors? *It’s easy; just visit*Community Maps*for an overview and visit the*Community Maps Contribution Process*page for more information.

Share your story: How has contributing to the Living Atlas Community benefited your organization? Has your participation helped meet a particular challenge? Email us at so we can promote your success.


For more information visit the*Community Maps Program Resource Center.

If you have previously used the World_Topo_Map, you may need to*clear your cache*in order to see the updates.

If you have feedback on content, try our*Topographic Map Feedback web map.

If you have other feedback or comments, please post them to the*ArcGIS Online Discussion Group*and the*Living Atlas Discussion Group*on*GeoNet.
