Error when creating data with special characters and numbers

المشرف العام

طاقم الإدارة
My code will not project and store the feature layer in the scratch.gdb."ERROR 999999 ... The table name is invalid. The table was not found. [17_5330_51961Lake]"

The interpreter doesn't "-" characters or beginning or ending in a number. Does anyone know of a work around?

import arcpyimport os

mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("Current")mxdpath = mxd.filePath(filepath, filename) = os.path.split(mxdpath)MCP_Path = str(filepath)

srl = os.path.join(MCP_Path, r"CoordinateSystems\NAD 1983 UTM Zone 17N.prj")

WBYLID = "17-5330-51961"

WBYLIDlabel = WBYLID.replace("-","_")

LakeOut = os.path.join(MCP_Path + "\OutputData\Scratch.gdb", WBYLIDlabel + "Lake")arcpy.Project_management(fl, LakeOut, srl)
