ERROR: Operation on two geometries with different SRIDs

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I'm new when it comes to GIS and PostgreSQL. I have searched everywhere for the cause of this problem but I can't find the solution. I was following the documentation here

First i created a table:

CREATE TABLE tableA (id integer, polygon geometry);I couldn't use st_polygon because that was causing a "type not exist" error though GIS is fully updated. (through Ubuntu repos)

Then I inserted a row. I couldn't do it like how it was described in the documentation because that was giving me a weird errors:

INSERT INTO tableA VALUES (1, st_polygon ('polygon ((40 40, 40 60, 60 60, 60 40, 40 40))', 0) ); ERROR: lwline_deserialize: attempt to deserialize a line which is really a Invalid type SQL state: XX000 Context: SQL function "st_polygon" statement 1INSERT INTO tableA VALUES (1, st_polygon ('polygon ((40 40, 40 60, 60 60, 60 40, 40 40))', 0) ); ERROR: function polygon(unknown, integer) does not existSQL state: 42883Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.Character: 44In the end I was able to insert it like this:

INSERT INTO tableA VALUES (1,ST_PolyFromText ('polygon ((-30.8947 138.6522,-34.8951 138.6522,-34.8952 138.6512,-34.8947 138.6512,-30.8947 138.6522))', 1));Now when I perform

SELECT * FROM tableA WHERE ST_OVERLAPS(ST_BUFFER(GeomFromText('POLYGON((-34.8947 138.6522,-34.8951 138.6522,-34.8952 138.6512,-34.8947 138.6512,-34.8947 138.6522 ))'),0), polygon);It outputs the error:

ERROR: Operation on two geometries with different SRIDsSQL state: XX000Anybody got a clue what it could be now and how to fix it?
