I just completed the command pgr_createTopology, but it fails to do pgr_analyzeGraph & pgr_createTopology. The error is as below: Anyone can give me an idea? Thanks
ERROR: isring() should only be called on a LINECONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT count(*) FROM public.fp WHERE true AND (true) and st_isRing(st_linemerge(the_geom))"PL/pgSQL function pgr_analyzegraph(text,double precision,text,text,text,text,text) line 309 at EXECUTE statement********** Error **********ERROR: isring() should only be called on a LINESQL state: XX000Context: SQL statement "SELECT count(*) FROM public.fp WHERE true AND (true) and st_isRing(st_linemerge(the_geom))"PL/pgSQL function pgr_analyzegraph(text,double precision,text,text,text,text,text) line 309 at EXECUTE statement
ERROR: isring() should only be called on a LINECONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT count(*) FROM public.fp WHERE true AND (true) and st_isRing(st_linemerge(the_geom))"PL/pgSQL function pgr_analyzegraph(text,double precision,text,text,text,text,text) line 309 at EXECUTE statement********** Error **********ERROR: isring() should only be called on a LINESQL state: XX000Context: SQL statement "SELECT count(*) FROM public.fp WHERE true AND (true) and st_isRing(st_linemerge(the_geom))"PL/pgSQL function pgr_analyzegraph(text,double precision,text,text,text,text,text) line 309 at EXECUTE statement